How to Have a Feng Shui Bedroom

The bedroom is a location where your thoughts may unwind from the day’s tension. Additionally, Feng Shui can assist you in achieving ideal relaxation. Here is How to Have a Feng Shui Bedroom.

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is a Chinese art form that is centered on the notion of interior design harmony. According to Feng Shui, the placement of your furniture has an effect on your mental health. Thus, a Feng Shui bedroom is an interior design that is purpose-built to help you get the most out of your sleep. There are several degrees of Feng Shui competence, as mastery requires years of study.

If you’re new to Feng Shui, there is no better place to start than the bedroom.

Feng Shui is a theory based on an ancient Chinese system of natural principles that is believed to regulate how your furniture and décor are arranged in respect to the flow of energy (Chi). ‘Feng’ is the Chinese word for wind, and’shui’ is the Chinese term for water. Together, these elements represent the natural flow of life that one should strive for in one’s house.

Feng Shui as we know it now originated in Western civilization throughout the 1970s. It is founded on the psychology of achieving objectives by a focused attention on many parts of life, as well as the traditional Feng Shui concepts, which included Chi flow and the manifestations of Yin and Yang.

We’ve collected a list of Feng Shui ideas to help you channel your energy properly and get a good night’s sleep:

13 Feng Shui Bedroom Tips

  1. Arrange your bed in the center.
  2. Make a significant investment in a king or super-king size bed and mattress.
  3. Avoid placing mirrors in the line of sight of the bed.
  4. Adjustable shades provide for maximum airflow.
  5. Reduce your reliance on technological gadgets and displays.
  6. Ascertain that each side of your bed has a bedside table.
  7. Utilize natural bedding and environmentally safe products.
  8. Select peaceful, subdued color palettes.
  9. Utilize candles and low-wattage lamps.
  10. When not in use, keep all drawers and doors closed.
  11. Make an investment in a sturdy headboard.
  12. Relocate your bookcase to another room.
  13. In your bedroom, keep just the books you are presently reading.

1. Position your bed centrally

A major element of Feng Shui is the concept of the “commanding posture,” which refers to the placement of things facing the entry door but not directly opposite it. In bedroom Feng Shui, the bed should be in a dominating position because it is the most significant object in the room and the location where you will spend the most of your time. The optimal location for your bed is diagonally across from the door, so that it is visible but not immediately out of it.

2. Make a significant investment in a king or super-king-size bed and mattress

Feng shui is concerned with the connection between persons and the places in which they live. Given that a significant piece of it is our bedroom, it’s reasonable to think that implementing Feng Shui into our bedroom will help us attain a more balanced existence. Super king beds are perfect if you have a large enough space. That is because they provide the largest amount of space for us to unwind and disconnect from the contemporary world’s distractions.

3. Avoid placing mirrors in your bed’s sight line

While mirrors are excellent for expanding the appearance of a small space, mirror placement may be challenging when practicing bedroom Feng Shui. It is critical to keep your mirrors away from the bed, since this will likely introduce more distracting items into your sightline. This is not to say that mirrors should be avoided in a high-Chi bedroom. Ascertain that you cannot see yourself from bed and that the mirror does not face the door – a taller mirror may provide a better sense of balance.

It’s a good idea to arrange them opposite a window; this will assist maximize the amount of light in your room without interrupting you when you’re attempting to unwind in your bed.

4. Maximize air-flow with adjustable blinds

Nature is a critical component of a Feng Shui bedroom, and one simple method to include it is to maximize air flow. This will not only keep your bedroom smelling fresh and clean, but will also aid in sleeping better. Check out this Fitbit post to learn more about how fresh air aids with sleep.

5. Keep electronic gadgets and displays to a minimum

Blue light is one of the main culprits when it comes to sleep deprivation. However, when it comes to achieving the optimal balance of yin and yang in your bedroom, the issue extends beyond the fact that technology interrupts our circadian cycles. As Feng Shui is based on the natural world, anything technological or man-made might deplete the Chi in our environment, disrupting our sleep and relaxation.

6. Ensure that each side of your bed has a bedside table

Balance is critical in bedroom Feng Shui, and bedside tables are a simple method to achieve symmetry and balance. If you place one on either side of your bed, your bedroom will begin to seem more harmonious and will attain a higher level of Chi. By including a bedroom plant on each side unit, you may enhance the natural essence of your bedroom’s Feng Shui as well.

7. Make use of natural bedding and environmentally friendly materials

Natural bedding is another option to incorporate natural elements into your bedroom. To assist limit the quantity of synthetic material in your sleeping environment, look for natural mattresses made of bamboo or cotton. These are not only excellent for enhancing the Feng Shui of your master suite, but also for temperature management, as natural fabrics drain moisture better than synthetic materials.

8. Opt for relaxing, subdued color palettes

Sleep relaxation is most effective when the bedroom décor is unobtrusive and unattractive. To attain this sense of equilibrium, which is also a critical component of Feng Shui, pick subdued and calming colors and patterns. Pastel tones work well in this setting. To create a peaceful, distraction-free boudoir, soothing blues, pinks, and greens work beautifully.

9. Make use of candles and low-wattage lamps

Utilize low-light bulbs and mood lighting to take it a step farther than a subdued color palette. This will assist in creating a pleasant atmosphere in your bedroom and offer the necessary sense of peace and quiet for a restful night’s sleep. Additionally, it will assist in establishing a feeling of harmony inside your area, therefore increasing the critical Chi levels throughout.

10. When not in use, keep all drawers and doors closed

To create a feng shui bedroom, it’s critical to eliminate any sources of distraction. Maintaining closed drawers and wardrobe doors will assist minimize distractions while you sleep or relax before bed. Therefore, even if you hop into bed after a long day and notice your wardrobe is slightly open, it’s wise to get out and close it before attempting to sleep off. Believe us when we say that you will fall asleep sooner – even if your brain tells you that you are ready for bed and too comfy to move.

11. Make an investment in a sturdy headboard

A sturdy headboard will contribute to your bedroom’s symmetry and equilibrium. However, sitting up in bed and reading a book while soaking in your essential oils for sleep will make it much more pleasant. Choose one that complements your existing décor and you’ll be drifting off in no time.

12. Relocate your bookcase to another room

While this may be challenging for bookworms and literary fans, books are only another source of distraction when attempting to sleep. They’re also notorious for accumulating dust and destabilizing the equilibrium in your bedroom, so store them in a study or spare room and keep only the one you’re currently reading within reach.

13. Keep just those books in your bedroom that you are presently reading

To expand on the preceding point, it’s better to keep your bedroom to yourself and the book you’re now reading. This will assist in minimizing interruption as you attempt to sleep. We’ve all reached a point in a book where we consider swapping it for another, but this will not help your mind shut down as you prepare for bed. It’s best to continue with the one you’ve begun or to postpone the change until the following day.

How to Have a Feng Shui Bedroom

Numerous factors must be considered while organizing your bedroom according to Feng Shui principles. The following are the most critical points.

  • Eliminate gadgets. Everything that might disrupt your sleep should be kept outside your bedroom — televisions, computers, laptops, phones, and even traditional alarm clocks are not suggested (because of the constant ticking). Electronics’ magnetic fields detract from your much-needed relaxation. It is even recommended that you turn off your wireless network.
  • Eliminate mirrors. Mirrors, particularly those facing your bed, reflect bad energy. They can even anticipate infidelity if you share your bed with a love partner.
  • Avoid placing your bed immediately beneath a light. If you get into bed and your gaze is drawn directly to the ceiling light, it will disrupt your sleep.
  • There will be no fountains or aquariums. Anything including water (even a painting of water) is considered bad luck for your bedroom, not to mention a source of distraction.
  • Remove the plants. Plants and flowers contain an excessive amount of energy. They subconsciously nudge you to get up and do something. This is not something you want to do late at night, and it is preferable that you do not view them while in bed.
  • Eliminate clutter. The less clutter in your field of view, the more restful sleep you will have. Additionally, there will be fewer thoughts about the cleaning you need to do tomorrow.
  • Avoid reading books. As with gadgets, books may be a source of distraction. One book is OK, but additional books will simply serve to inspire you to do anything other than sleep.

Bedroom Feng Shui Layout Guidelines

Feng Shui Bedroom Colors

Each color has a distinct significance and effect on the human psyche. Depending on the theme of your bedroom, here are some color choices to consider.

  • For serenity, pastel hues. Pale pastel hues, particularly green, aid in your calm and relaxation. These are the alternatives that will ensure a restful night’s sleep.
  • Metal hues have been added for clarity. Gray, silver, and white in various tints signify accuracy, clarity, and efficiency. These colors can excite your thoughts and help you awaken with the proper level of alertness to begin your day.
  • Earth tones are associated with stability. Nature’s colors include bright yellow, light brown, beige, and dark green. Not only do they quiet the mind, but they also provide the power and peace that nearly everyone desires in life.
  • Colors of fire symbolize desire. The colors of fire are red, orange, purple, and pink. They can arouse passion and romance in your bedroom. Additionally, they might provide you with energy, which is ideal for individuals who have a demanding profession.

Feng Shui Bedroom Direction of Bed

  • Possess a sturdy headboard. Wooden or upholstered headboards are a representation of the vivacious spirit that pervades your bedroom. Subconsciously, while sleeping, your head need a firm, stable foundation for maximum slumber.
  • Make an investment in a supportive mattress. The most important thing you can do to improve our sleep is to invest in a very comfy mattress. Feng Shui does not advocate used ones, since they may carry the energy of another person, which is not always a good thing.
  • A bed with legs, as opposed to a platform bed. Energy must circulate about you, and the greatest way to do this is to have room beneath our bed. We do not propose the practical ones with platforms and large drawers.
  • Remove the bed from the doorway. Additionally, your bed should not be aligned with the door. If it is, you are inviting surprises into your bedroom, and the most of them will not be pleasant. Nonetheless, you must be able to see the door, since this provides a sense of control over your life.
  • On opposite sides of the bed, place similar wooden nightstands. Symmetry equates to balance, which your bedroom need more than ever. The easiest method to accomplish this is to ensure that your bed is symmetrical on both sides. It’s even nicer if each nightstands have two similar lamps.

Additional Items for Your Feng Shui Bedroom

  • Provide gentle illumination. Because ceiling lights will almost certainly wind up in your eyes and disrupt your sleep, it is preferable to have night lamps on the nightstands. They’ll give soothing illumination and a restful night’s sleep.
  • Include inspirational artwork. Natural mountain scenery has a calming effect on the mind, especially when combined with the proper color tone for the entire bedroom. Simply avoid metropolitan areas and aquatic elements.
  • Pursue equality. Attempt to maintain an equal amount of space on both sides of your bed and other furnishings. This will facilitate the passage of energy. Ideally, you should be able to make the entire space symmetrical.
  • Remove any clothing that you are no longer wearing. As with clutter, it’s wise to purge your wardrobe of items you’re not going to wear. The less possessions you possess, the better. This simple lifestyle is especially beneficial for mental health.
  • Avoid photographs of family or friends. Having someone “watching you” at all times has a detrimental effect on your ability to sleep. Keep them at a distance. The same is true for religious figures, regardless of how much you desire to include a Buddha statue.

Color & Art Tips for Feng Shui Bedrooms

Use relaxing natural colors such as’skin colors’ on your bedroom walls and paintings — they range from pure white to deep chocolate brown.

The color wheel on the right illustrates the Feng Shui link between color and mood.

When a practitioner refers to a color chart in Feng Shui, they are often referring to the colors associated with each Bagua or Pakua life sector. Along with the distinct living zones and colors, each of the Pakua’s nine parts has an associated element and direction.